Important announcement

The novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is spreading. To reduce the risk of infection,Time Flyer Hotel has taken relevant countermeasures.

˙People entry Taiwan prohibited by CDC.
˙People had stayed in China, Hong Kong and Macau within the last 14 days until the policy is lifted by CDC.
˙People needs home (Self) isolation, home quarantine and Self-Management of Health.

We sincerely apologize for not able to accommodate.

擴大國旅秋冬遊 (活動已於1/31結束)



「台中觀光旅遊網」- 優惠活動網頁

​2019甘霖基金會。作伙疼惜老大人 愛心園遊會 ~​

時空行旅為本次主要贊助單位,歡迎大家一起參與公益愛心園遊會,當天有機會獲得豐富的摸彩品喔 ~

  • 透過活動讓長輩透過表演展現活力與正能量,增加自信與成就感,減低民眾對於『老』的刻板印象,並以敬老、愛老、尊老的心共同營造友善高齡生活環境。
  • 籌募本會 2019-20 年為獨居貧困長者和身心障礙者之送餐、失智/失能老人之照顧 服務及老人預防性工作之推廣等所需經費,使長者和身心障礙者在地安居、健康老化。

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